stable solution

英 [ˈsteɪbl səˈluːʃn] 美 [ˈsteɪbl səˈluːʃn]

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  1. When the formal processes are followed, though, the result is more likely a comprehensive and stable solution that is optimized for a target set of users.
  2. Rational Publishing Engine is the much more efficient, robust, and stable solution, and it offers a wealth of options for formatting the target documents.
  3. This moderate approach may be one of the secrets of success: leaving out everything the audience might not agree upon and providing a stable solution for the consensus only.
  4. Yet pure logic suggests that the SCO could and should be doing much more to promote a stable solution in Afghanistan and that NATO should be doing more to engage it.
  5. The non autonomy statement equation basic circuit was established in this paper, and the conservation electric charge equation was worked out basing the periodicity of its stable solution.
  6. Some of them are also to deploy temporary fixes to various in-game systems while we continue to develop a longer term, more stable solution.
  7. The process has features of wide range of current density, stable solution and good deposit properties.
  8. After purifying the carbon nanotubes absolutely, we obtained the stable solution by modifying organic molecular on the surface of carbon nanotubes.
  9. In this paper, it is proved that there is the stable solution in rate equations after introducing the gain saturation factor and the logarithmic gain.
  10. It is mostly developed to analyze a new and stable solution about contact problem& direct constraint procedure.
  11. A new reconstruction method is proposed in this paper. The main idea of this method is to model ECT forward problem by using multiple linear regression and obtain a stable solution of the image reconstruction problem ( an ill posed inverse problem) by using regularization.
  12. In many resource sharing systems, such as the computer correspondence, M/ M/ 1/ C queuing question is often mentioned, and yet we usually discuss its stable solution.
  13. The process has low pollution and long lifetime with stable solution.
  14. If we adopt entirely ideal conditions to calibration system, we would not obtain stable solution under common experiment conditions.
  15. The new developments of the investigation in the area have also shown that the decomposition of gauge fields will provide a new way for the study between the stable solution of the gauge field and the confinements phenomena in strong interaction.
  16. The component A obtained by such method is stable solution with low viscosity.
  17. Finally, a method of finding stable solution for Tung's equation is suggested.
  18. It is proved that the FPK equation, associated with the nonlinearly damped 2nd-order dynamic system excited by white noise, generally has no stable solution in the form of separable variables.
  19. According to the neural cable model, this dissertation deduced a stable solution.
  20. It is found that partial hydrolysis polyacrylamide, triethanolamine and potassium dichromate all can form an even and stable solution with the liquid sodium aluminate, and the synergistic ingredients can obviously enhance the effect of the liquid accelerated agent.
  21. To obtain a stable solution, in our method, successive approximation process is constrained by prior histogram and Laplacian regularization.
  22. After that, the process and method of chaos generation in erbium-doped fiber dual-ring laser are discussed. Next we analyzed the stability of its stable solution and determined the condition of the threshold.
  23. In this paper, styrene-methyl acrylic acid copolymer ( SAA) was prepared by a simple and stable solution co-polymerization method, and the final product was in the form of ammonium salt after neutralization.
  24. The non-isochronism of free oscillation of the simple pendulum discussed the important difference between the periodic solution to nonlinear forced oscillation and the stable solution to linear forced oscillation is also discussed.
  25. In this paper, proves that 2 dimensional Navier Stokes equation will not be any stable solution in class c 2 by stratification theory, and give a important example.
  26. The high frequency signal propagation on power cable is demonstrated theoretically by solving transmission equation and analysing the stable solution.
  27. Stable solution of normalized total gravity gradient
  28. The only stable solution is the diverging spherical wave.
  29. We then present error of it when there exists a stable solution.
  30. Then, regularization method is adopted to provide the efficient and stable solution of the two deterministic inverse problems, and through interval expanding operation the upper and lower bounds of dynamic load acting on the uncertain structure can be obtained.